

  • Design Services

    SDS include qualification of the owners of a cadre of expertise in the field of multimedia work for all forms of design professionally starting from web design to design presentations for companies and institutions.

     And in order to ensure customer satisfaction, the team formation and provide customer satisfaction is to provide more than one model strategy (older models) for the client so that he can choose one of them and then try to complete the model chosen.

  • List of our services in this area
    •     Design and database programming.
    •     New sites and re-design of existing web design.
    •     Logo Design.
    •     Photography.
    •     Image Processing.
    •     Realistic depiction dimensional -Virtual tours.
    •     Three-dimensional designs.
    •     Editing work on the videos.
    •     Kinetics designs - Flash.
    •     E-Marketing and management of marketing campaigns on the Internet.
    •     E-commerce and credit card payments applications.
    •     The protection of sites of penetration.
  • Presented this type of software the following features
    • Independent work environment), this type of software - works regardless of the user's operating system).
    •  Do Not need installation Installation operations on users' computers.
    • Not having to make any special settings on users' computers.
    • WFP operations are easily updated without the need for any action by the user.
    • Access and use this type of software anywhere.
    • The possibility of using the program around the clock 24/7.
    • Centralized data, which are safer and easier to backup operations.
    • The possibility of carrying out remote maintenance without the need to be in place.
    • Low cost compared to traditional software.
  • SDS website

    We always strive to be up to the expectations of our customers and to offer high-level websites and phone apps. Our apps for smart devices are designed in a unique and very attractive way. We also look forward to helping our clients achieve progress by offering the best marketing plans for their business. SDS aspires to be the leading company not only in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia ,but also seeks to form partnerships with international companies around the world.

    We believe that our success comes from our customers, and their progress adds to our success story. That is why we are committed to providing the most efficient and technologically advanced solutions in the shortest possible time without compromising quality.

    Our constant message is that

    ? Alone we can do little, together we can do much?.moaqa Statistics Simple Websites.

    Content Management Systems (CMS) Content Management System.

    E-commerce E-Commerce Solutions systems.

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